Friday, 24 January 2014

Adventure cleanse week 1

So the first week, excluding Saturday and Sunday, IS OVER AND DONE WITH!! 

I've been drinking 1-2 Litres of veggie juice per day! Eating mostly salads, fruit and a bit of peanut butter! Let's be serious, giving up peanut butter? Nice try. You're stuck with me you yummy sticky gooey nutty goodness! 

I work out everyday, I lift weights and do strength conditioning everyday, while cardio I do about 5 times a week! 

With the Colonic Hydrotherapy sessions, one on Monday and the other on Tuesday, and my cleanse I've managed to lose 4 lbs! 

Benefits of week one:
- I feel cleaner
- my skin is clear and glowing
- no bloating or headaches 
- I don't get overly full or insanely hungry
- not eating 3 hours before bed makes me feel amazing in the morning 
- I visit the ladies room very regularly :)
- I've been sleeping so much better! I used to wake up every 2 hours and not be able to fall asleep until 2-3 in the morning, I'm getting 7 hours a night with no wake ups! 
- it has been so much easier waking up in the morning

Down sides:
- the second & third day I was EXTREMELY out of it!! Light headed, confused, definitely could not do math in my head haha
- I was low on energy the first couple days because of my body going through withdrawals

But, the Pros beat the Cons!!! So Adventure cleanse... You win this week! 

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